
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Democracy - Richard Leonard MSP and Professor Ewa Luger
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
With developments in artificial intelligence (AI) speeding up, what effect will this technology have on our democracy?
What do we mean when we talk about artificial intelligence? What are the opportunities and what are the dangers?
And how, as citizens and as a democracy, should we react?
This Scotland's Futures Forum podcast, recorded in May 2023, explored the potential impact of AI on our lives and the implications we should consider.
Featuring expert contributions from Professor Ewa Luger, Professor of Human-Data Interaction at the University of Edinburgh, and Richard Leonard MSP, convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Public Audit Committee.
You can find out more on the Scotland's Futures Forum website.

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
A wellbeing economy in Scotland
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
The Scottish Government’s 10-year economic strategy has the overriding vision to deliver a wellbeing economy for Scotland.
But what does it mean and what would it look like?
Listen to the Scotland's Futures Forum seminar with Dr Lukas Bunse and Frances Rayner from the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland, and reflections from political economist Miriam Brett and Simon Farrell, former co-owner and managing director of one of the UK’s most successful brand agencies.
You can find out more at https://www.scotlandfutureforum.org/a-wellbeing-economy/

Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Festival of Politics: Data vultures destroying democracy
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Our phones and laptops harvest information on everything from our habits to our likes and medical issues. Information is collected and shared without our awareness or permission by data gathering companies and so-called ‘data vultures’.
Who is regulating this mass surveillance and how can we protect our privacy and democracy from a trend that is undermining equality for all?
Listen back to the Festival of Politics 2022 panel featuring Dr Sam Fowles, Prof Ewa Luger, and Prof Charles Raab.

Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Festival of Politics: AC Grayling
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Deputy Presiding Officer Liam McArthur MSP joins Professor A.C. Grayling CBE, one of the UK’s most prolific philosophers and authors, in conversation to discuss Professor Grayling’s timely book, For the Good of the World: Is Global Agreement on Global Challenges Possible?
Professor Grayling discusses the three most urgent challenges facing the world today: climate change, technology and justice.
As Master of the New College of the Humanities, and an author of over 30 books, he dissects both the threats and the inspiring solutions. Can human beings collectively agree on a set of values to save the planet from extinction?
This event was recorded live at the Scottish Parliament in August.

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Artificial Intelligence and Accountability
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
What happens when decisions made by artificial intelligence (AI) don’t work as intended?
Who is accountable, and how are they held accountable?
In this podcast from the Scotland's Futures Forum, Richard Leonard MSP chaired a seminar with Professor Subramanian (Ram) Ramamoorthy, Chair of Robot Learning and Autonomy in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, and Professor Shannon Vallor, Baillie Gifford Chair in the Ethics of Data and AI at the Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) at the University of Edinburgh.
You can find out more about the event at https://www.scotlandfutureforum.org/artificial-intelligence-and-accountability/

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tom Chivers on Aritifical Intelligence - Scotland’s Futures Forum
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
How will Artificial Intelligence affect our lives? How should we respond?
In conjunction with Reform Scotland, the Futures Forum held a seminar with writer and journalist Tom Chivers to discuss how artificial intelligence is developing and changing our lives and the way we should approach it as citizens and how the Scottish Parliament can respond as a legislature.
Tom worked for the Daily Telegraph from 2007 to 2014, and was a science writer at BuzzFeed UK from 2015 to 2018. He has received several awards for his journalism, including the ‘Explaining the facts’ category in the Royal Statistical Society’s Statistical Excellence in Journalism awards, and he is the author of the recent book “The AI Does Not Hate You”.
Find out more on the Scotland's Futures Forum website.

Friday Jul 12, 2019
A Sustainable Future for Urban Scotland - Scotland's Futures Forum
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
What role is there for communities in the regeneration of urban Scotland?
Life in Scotland’s towns and cities is forecast to change significantly in the coming decades. Cities are set to continue to grow, facing the challenge of providing housing and services for new populations, while the role and place of towns in Scotland remains uncertain.
Join Andy Milne, chief executive of Scotland’s Regeneration Forum (SURF), Jemma Neville of the Voluntary Arts Scotland, and Andrew Bowman Head of Business Investment and Operations at Riverside Inverclyde.
You can find out more on the Scotland's Futures Forum website.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Leaders in Sport and Physical Activity: Judy Murray
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Join former GB Fed Cup captain Judy Murray as she reflects on her experience at the elite levels of tennis, the lessons she’s learned and her aspirations for the future of sport and physical activity in Scotland.
Chaired by Alison Johnstone MSP, Co-Convener of the Cross-Party Group on Sport
Find out more on the Scotland's Futures Forum website.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
David Duke, Chief Executive of Street Soccer - Scotland’s Futures Forum
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
What role can sport play in building an inclusive society? Join Homeless World Cup winning coach David Duke as he reflects on his journey from homelessness to being the founder and chief executive of social enterprise Street Soccer.
Chaired by James Dornan MSP, Convener of the Local Government and Communities Committee.
Find out more on the Scotland's Futures Forum website.

Tuesday May 28, 2019
Scotland's Futures Forum Digital Democracy – Engaging with Parliament
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
How can the Scottish Parliament best engage with citizens in a digital age? First we chat with Professor Cristina Leston Bandeira, a member of the House of Commons Speaker’s Digital Democracy Commission, then we move onto a roundtable discussion with the Professor and the Scottish Government’s Digital Engagement Manager Chris Connolly as they explore the opportunities available to Scotland.
You can read more about the work of the Speaker’s Digital Democracy Commission on their website, or you can read more about the The Scottish Government’s digital engagement work on their blog.
Chaired by Angus MacDonald MSP, Deputy Convener of the Public Petitions Committee.
Find out more on the Scotland's Futures Forum website.